Duanesburg Elementary School Handbook


Duanesburg Central School’s MISSION STATEMENT is:  We will provide students of every ability the support, dedication, quality instruction and experiences they need as they strive to fulfill their dreams and aspirations for the future.

The elementary school’s MISSION STATEMENT is to provide an educational environment in partnership with families that nurtures and challenges each student in the pursuit of lifelong learning.

Student Rights and Responsibilities

The goal of our school community is to provide a safe, well-planned educational environment for all students. School is a microcosm of society. In school, as in society, students are afforded basic rights while being responsible for the maintenance of standards and order within the education setting. It is this blend of rights and responsibilities that makes our school fair and successful.

Statement of Non-Discrimination/Anti-Harassment

It is the policy of the Duanesburg Central School District not to permit discrimination or harassment; but endorse the concepts of tolerance, respect for others and dignity to include: an awareness and sensitivity in the relations of people, including but not limited to, different races, weights, national origins, ethnic groups, religions, religious practices, mental or physical abilities, sexual orientations, gender identity or expression, and sexes.

Discrimination is defined as the act of denying rights, benefits, justice, equitable treatment or access to facilities available to all others, to an individual or group of people because of the group, class or category to which that person belongs.

Harassment is defined as “creation of a hostile environment by conduct or by verbal threats, intimidation or abuse that has or would have the effect of unreasonably and substantially interfering with a student’s educational performance, opportunities or benefits, or mental, emotional or physical well-being; or conduct verbal threats, intimidation or abuse that reasonably causes or would reasonably be expected to cause a student to fear for his or her physical safety; such conduct, verbal threats, intimidation or abuse based on a person’s actual or perceived race, color, weight, national origin, ethnic group, religion, religious practice, disability, sexual orientation, gender or sex.”

Harassment may take the form of comments, name-calling, jokes, stalking, perpetuating rumors or gossip, offensive gestures or language, assault or any other behavior that is designed to annoy, intimidate or cause fear. Bullying and/or hazing of students and staff is prohibited behavior and will not be tolerated at Duanesburg Central School District.

“Hazing” means committing an act against a student, or coercing a student into committing an act, that creates a risk of emotional, physical or psychological harm to a person, in order for the student to be initiated into or affiliated with a student organization, club, or for any other purpose.

Bullying consists of inappropriate behavior including threats, or intimidation of others, treating others cruelly, terrorizing, coercing, or habitual put downs and/or badgering of others. Bullying, similar to all forms of harassment and hazing, are prohibited behaviors.

Common characteristics of bullying:

● Physical – hitting, kicking, taking or damaging a victim’s property
● Verbal – using words to berate, hurt or humiliate
● Relational – maliciously spreading rumors, and/or actively excluding a person from the peer group to cause emotional harm


Please refer to our Visitor and Volunteer Guidelines for information about visiting the school building.


Please refer to our Attendance Procedures for more information about student arrival and dismissal expectations.

Extracurricular Attendance Policy

​Students must be in class on the day of an extracurricular event in order to participate or be admitted. 

Student Scheduling/Daily Rotation

The elementary school student hours are 7:50 a.m. to 2:50 p.m. Students must be unpacked and prepared for the day on or before 8:10 a.m. 

6-Day Rotation Schedule

The elementary school runs on a 6-day rotation schedule (i.e. day 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6). Every day indicates a different special area class for students. Classroom teachers give the 6-day schedule to students in September. If there is a full day school cancellation, the rotation day will be carried over to the next school attendance day, (i.e. Wednesday – day 3 is a snow day cancellation – then the next day, Thursday, will be day 3.)

School Wide Discipline System: PBIS PBIS stands for positive behavioral interventions and supports. It focuses on improving a school’s ability to teach and support positive behavior of all students. It is a proactive system approach of prevention and response to classroom and school discipline issues. The emphasis is on developing and maintaining a safe environment where teachers can teach and students can learn.

There are three basic principles of PBIS. Specific procedures for teaching and celebrating these expectations will occur throughout the year. This will be achieved through the use of Cool Tools, Golden Dustpan Award, Assemblies and celebrations and Golden Tickets.


Be Respectful – includes following directions, keeping hands and feet to yourself, using appropriate language and raising your hand.

Be Responsible – includes being an active listener, following directions, and participating. 

Be Safe – includes walking, sitting appropriately, maintaining personal space, and using equipment properly.

Students are expected to honor these core values in various school and school related settings including the classroom, hallways, library, cafeteria, bathrooms, buses and school grounds.


Every student who attends school must take part in a physical education program. Students in grades K-6 must successfully complete the physical education classes during each year they attend school and participate in the ten minute exercise program broadcast on the morning news show.


The elementary library provides a wide selection of books for all grades and reading levels. The school has a permanent collection of books and materials. Students may use the library at times other than those assigned provided they have their teacher’s permission. Please refer to the Library Media Center page for more information about library rules and policies.

Multimedia Tools in the Library

Magazines, computer software and reference books are also available through the library. Reference books, instructional videos and computer ​software cannot be taken home. ​Encyclopedias, magazines, articles and other research tools ​are available online 24 hours a day through the Duanesburg Elementary Library.


During the course of the school year, teachers supplement classroom work by utilizing a variety of multimedia tools. As such, your child may have the opportunity to view one or more videos as part of his or her classroom participation, including:

● Videos related to the curriculum being taught to your child
● Videos that are in the Duanesburg school library

Any videos shown outside the guidelines will require written notification to parents specifying the video’s content and suitability.


The internet and its services are intended to support open research and education in and among research and instructional institutions. The use by district account holders of school computers, software, and/or the Internet for other purposes, such as for-profit activity, personal business or illegal activity is prohibited.


During the year, special presenters or programs will be offered to students. 

Students are expected to be kind and courteous to their peers and the guest speakers and to follow PBIS expectations.


We ask your cooperation in following these guidelines:

● Please remain in your seats while a music number is being performed. If it is necessary to leave the cafeteria, (i.e. bathroom use, etc.), we ask that you do so between numbers, exiting quietly from the rear door.
● Please turn cell phones off.
● Please keep your children with you at all times.
● Talk, even whispering, is distracting to performers and those around you who are trying to listen. We ask that you refrain from talking during the performance.
● We ask parents to remain throughout any performances until the program is concluded out of respect to students performing.
● Photography and videotaping should not be done in a way that distracts the student performers or the audience.
● Please remind your children not to yell or wave at their older siblings on stage so as not to distract or disrupt their concentration.


Special Educational Programs

Students with disabilities are entitled to receive, at public expense, special education (SE), related services and/or supplementary support, as necessary, to ensure a free appropriate public education in the least restrictive environment, appropriate to meet their individual needs in school. Please refer to the Special Education page for more information on special education policies and services.

Section 504 Policy Regarding Students with Disabilities

The school district does not discriminate against persons with disabilities and provides access to qualified disabled individuals to all of its activities and programs. DES will follow the requirements of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. The Act obligates school districts to identify, evaluate, and to extend to every qualified student with a disability residing in the district, a free, appropriate public education, including modifications, accommodations, specialized instruction, or related services as deemed necessary to meet the needs of all students.

Response to Intervention (RtI)

The Duanesburg Central School District has established administrative practices and procedures for implementing a Response to Intervention (RtI) process applicable to all students in accordance with Commissioner’s Regulations. Please refer to the RTI and AIS page for more information.

Homebound Instruction

A student who is temporarily unable to attend school for at least two weeks due to physical, mental or emotional illness or injury may be eligible to be instructed at home or in the hospital by an appropriately certified teacher.

The parent must notify the principal if a student will be on an extended school absence. If the inability to attend is due to a medical or emotional reason, the parent must obtain from the child’s physician a written medical request for homebound instruction.

Where advanced notice is not possible, the parent should make every effort to obtain homework assignments until such a time as home/hospital instruction may begin.

As soon as possible after receiving notice of a prolonged absence, the district will arrange for home instruction for the time periods prescribed by law. A parent or another adult is expected to be present during all teaching sessions. Tutoring may be delivered at home or an alternative site, depending upon the availability of an adult.

English as a Second Language

Students speaking English as a second language will receive necessary instructional support to be successful per NYS requirements.


DCS believes field trips are an important part of the educational program. By providing students with firsthand experience and exposure to the larger community, field trips can greatly enhance a student’s educational experiences. A signed permission slip from the parent/guardian is required. A child who does not provide a signed permission slip will be prohibited from participating and will be given an alternative assignment on the day of the field trip. The classroom teacher will provide parents with specific instructions for lunch, appropriate dress, and arrival/departure times. All students are expected to exhibit proper behavior on field trips and all school rules apply on school related field trip/athletic events. In addition, students who are unable to maintain appropriate behavior in the classroom may jeopardize their opportunity to go on a field trip. Parents will be notified prior to the trip if there are concerns about their child’s behavior.

Student Transportation on Field Trips

When Duanesburg provides transportation to students for a school sponsored activity or event, the school will also provide return transportation unless the parent or legal guardian of the student has given the district written notice authorizing an alternative form of return transportation for their child.


Grades are used to indicate achievement and development in each class or subject area in which a student is enrolled. Grading is based, in part, upon student improvement, achievement, and participation in classroom discussions and activities. Classroom participation, and student attendance, is an important factor in earning high grades.

The Elementary School is on a trimester reporting schedule for both Interim and Report Cards. The K-5 Report Card will consist of a Standards based report card. Sixth graders, in an effort to transition to middle/high school, will receive a numeric based report card. All report cards will be available electronically. For those families that cannot access the internet, hard copies will be provided.


The goal of homework at DES is to help our students become skilled, knowledgeable, independent, and responsible learners. The length of time a child spends on homework may fluctuate depending on student’s strengths and needs.

Purpose of Homework

● Review content previously taught
● Apply and reinforce concepts and skills learned in the classroom
● Provide independent practice
● Serve as an extension of work originating in class
● To support parent’s/guardian’s direct involvement and/or awareness in their child’s learning

Student Responsibilities Toward Homework

● Complete all homework assignments and return to school on time and to the best ability
● Be prepared with an agenda, school supplies
● Limit all external distractions (telephone, television, computers, etc.)
● When absent, make up all missed assignments in a timely fashion. Ask adults for help when needed

Parent/Guardian Responsibilities Regarding Homework

● DCS believes that parental involvement in student’s homework is essential to making homework an integral part of the educational program. Parents should encourage and set time aside to allow your child to complete homework.
● Monitor and discourage external distractions for your child during homework time by providing an appropriate place to work.
● Review homework assignments to make sure they are complete.
● Check agenda for home-school communications. (Sign agenda nightly as specified by teachers.)● Contact the teacher if your child is having difficulty with homework or when your child is absent from school and schoolwork needs to be completed.
● Offer praise and encouragement.
● Kindergarten parents please set aside time to read daily with your child, and work directly with him/her when kindergarten begins site work recognition in February.


The Code of Conduct is a set of rules we all follow to help make a school a safe and comfortable place to learn.


Please refer to our Dignity for All Students Act page for more information about DASA.


● Be respectful, responsible and safe


Students are responsible to comply with consequences given by staff and on the bus. Consequences may include:

● Warning / Time out
● Contact parents/guardians
● Behavior improvement plan
● Classroom consequences
● Detention at lunch, recess or after school in the office or teacher’s classroom
● Suspension from the bus
● Suspension from other privileges (i.e. parties, field trips, after school activities)
● Removal from classroom by teacher
● In-house restriction (all day in the principal’s office)
● Out of school suspension (not permitted to attend school or after school activities)

Serious situations will be investigated by the principal/school staff, and followed up with parent/guardian.


In order to enhance a learning environment, it is important for students to leave at home those belongings that would keep them from concentrating on studies. Following are examples of items to leave at home:

● Money other than an amount needed for meals and school activities
● Knives or other sharp objects
● Toys, except on invitation of the teacher
● Electronic devices including, but not limited to: Video game, CD Players MP3 Player, iPod are not to be utilized in school, however, bus drivers will allow on bus
● Skateboards, roller skates, sneaker blades (See bus rules for details)
● Any real or toy weapon (i.e. pocket knife, toy gun, ammunition, etc.)
● Packaged fragrances (for health reasons)
● Medications (unless prescribed by a doctor, brought in by a parent/guardian and left in the health office.)


​School lockers, desks, and other such equipment are not the private property of students but the property of the school district, and as such may be opened and subject to inspection from time to time by school officials.


● Follow directions and talk quietly
● Be courteous and respectful
● Raise your hand when you need help
● Leave the tables and the floor clean
● Keep your hands to yourself
● Student may not share food


● Sneakers preferred
● Refrain from shoving or rough play
● Ball throwing is allowed on the field only (Do not throw other objects)
● Use school appropriate language
● Keep away from moving swings
● Safely move about the playground stations appropriately and do not jump off high areas
● Stay with your class or an adult
● Do not stand on the tire swing
● Three students per tire
● Dress appropriately and safely for the playground


The bus driver is authorized to assign seats and require students to wear seatbelts.

The bus driver is authorized to assign seats and require students to wear seatbelts.

● Seatbelts are recommended for student safety
● Students will cooperate with the driver
● Students will be courteous, use quiet voices and appropriate language
● Stay in your seat and keep your head/hands/feet out of the aisle
● Eating or drinking is not allowed on the bus
● Smoking or vaping is not allowed on the bus
● Electronic devices are allowed as long as it does not cause a disturbance to other students or the bus driver


All students are expected to give proper attention to personal cleanliness and to dress appropriately for school and school functions. Students and their parents have the primary responsibility for acceptable student dress and appearance. Teachers and all other district personnel should exemplify and reinforce acceptable student dress and help students develop an understanding of appropriate appearance in the school setting.

For the purposes of this Code, appropriate dress for students is defined as and includes the following:

  1. In order to promote and foster a culturally proficient school environment preserving respect, dignity, and civility, students are encouraged to wear clothing or garb that is relevant to and distinctive of their respective cultures or ethnicity.

  2. Students will ensure that underwear is completely covered with outer clothing. All clothing shall be fastened appropriately.

  3. Students shall not wear garments that are revealing or see-through (including those that expose one’s midriff or otherwise potentially expose private parts of the body, such as tube tops and halters).

  4. Head wear required for religious purposes are permitted. students , at the discretion of the building administration, may be allowed to wear head wear in school for medical purposes, as long as appropriate documentation or notification is provided. Students are not allowed to wear hoods, sunglasses, visors, sweatbands, bandannas, etc. in the school building except for medical or religious purposes, during the school day.

  5. Students shall not wear or display culturally (race, ethnicity, socioeconomic status) derogatory offensive, or divisive symbols; or items that are vulgar, obscene, libelous or denigrate others because of race, color, religion, creed, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, or disability, while at school, on school grounds, or participation in school-related activities.

  6. Students’ dress/accessories shall not promote and/or endorse sexual activity of any kind, the use of alcohol, tobacco, vaping (e-cigarettes or juuls), or illegal drugs and/or encourage illegal or gang-related activities, including violence, depictions of guns, knives and other weapons.

  7. Transgender and/or gender nonconforming students may dress in accordance with the gender identity or gender expression within the constraints of any dress code contained in the Code of Conduct and will be enforced in like manner.

Students who violate the student dress code shall be required to modify their appearance by covering or removing the offending item and, if necessary or practical, replacing it with an acceptable item. Any student who refuses to do so shall be subject to discipline, up to and including in-school suspension for the day. Any student who repeatedly fails to comply with the dress code shall be subject to further discipline, up to and including out of school suspension.


● Student phone use in the main office is limited for emergency purposes only (i.e. canceled after school activities). There is no pay telephone in the building. Students are responsible for remembering items needed for school, their after-school activities schedule, and informing parents of their after-school activities prior to arriving at school, the day of the activity.
● Students may use their cell phones at the discretion of the teacher; Until such time, cell phones must stay in backpack and/or locker.


The elementary school is committed to do its part in protecting the environment. Students are required to recycle materials with the guidance of their teachers and the cooperation of the Community Service Club.


DES encourages the resolution of all student concerns as promptly as possible and at the lowest level possible. Accordingly, students are urged to discuss issues first with the appropriate teacher, staff member or building principal. However, if the complaint concerns harassment, the student and/or parent should notify the principal or other appropriate staff member. Upon receipt of a harassment complaint, the building principal or other appropriate staff member will conduct a prompt investigation to determine what occurred and then take appropriate steps to resolve the situation.


Students that use the Internet at Duanesburg Elementary School agree to the following:

I understand that, as an Internet user, I am responsible for my actions, and am responsible to act considerately and appropriately, in accordance with the rules. I also understand the use of the Internet is for educational purposes only. When using any Duanesburg Central School District Technology Resources, including the Internet, I will not:

● Send, display, or download offensive messages, or pictures
● Harass, insult, or attack others
● Damage computers, computer systems, or computer networks (this includes changing workstation and printer configurations)
● Violate copyright laws
● Visit social networking website/chat rooms (i.e. myspace, club penguin, Facebook, etc.)
● Trespass in other users’ files, folders, or work
● Intentionally waste resources.

I understand that any or all of the following sanctions could be imposed if I violate any of the policies, and procedures regarding the use of Duanesburg CSD Technology Resources, including the internet:

1. Loss of access
2. Additional disciplinary action to be determined at the elementary school in line with existing practice regarding inappropriate language or behavior.
3. Legal action, when applicable.

My child has my permission to access the internet under the supervision of his/her teacher. The account holder (and the parent/legal guardian of such account holder if he/she is under 18 years of age) understands that the school district does not have control over the content of the information available on the Internet. Although there is a general filter, some internet sites may contain inappropriate or illegal material. The school district does not condone the use of such material in the school environment. However, parents/guardians of minors having user accounts should be aware of its existence. Students are educated to report problems to staff.


Our school offers a number of co-curricular and extracurricular activities for students. Participation in such activities provides students with experience in building social relationships, developing interests in an academic area, and gaining an understanding of the responsibilities of good citizenship. Members of school sponsored clubs are representatives of the school district. DES students who participate in extracurricular activities are expected to conform to standards that meet or exceed those in the school district code of conduct. Please refer to the Clubs and Activities page for more information.

Additional events may be scheduled and will be announced in the school newsletter. If a student is absent from school on the day of a scheduled after school event, the student may not participate in the event.

Students must be passing in all subjects in order to remain eligible for participation in the above named activities. If the student is failing in one or more subjects when midterm reports are sent, he/she will be placed on a probationary period until the student brings up his/her grade to passing. Students also need to follow the behavioral rules as set forth in the Code of Conduct. Certain activities require a minimum level of participation/training, as established by the club advisor. The student agrees to these conditions and realizes that failure to maintain this minimum level of participation may result in suspension from the activity.

A student may be removed from an extracurricular club if he/she continues to have academic, behavioral or minimum time requirement issues. Parents can contact the principal with any questions regarding these programs.


It is recognized that fundraising is the major source of money for student organizations. Each group must receive permission from the building principal to engage in any fundraising activity at least two weeks before any items are ordered or any commitments are made to either outside companies or to students.


Health Services

The goal of our health services is to promote and protect the health and wellness of every student. Our school nurse handles illness and accidents occurring during school hours. Such incidents may need to be reported to parents/guardians immediately. Please refer to the Health and Safety page for more information about required immunizations, and medications.

Health Information/Student Accident Insurance

Student accident insurance is carried on each student attending school in the Duanesburg District. The accident insurance plan is a secondary policy designed to fill in the gaps in your personal health insurance coverage. In the event of a school related injury, you must first submit the claim to your own health insurance company. Any medical costs remaining after your insurance responds, can then be submitted to the student accident insurance company. When a claim is appropriate, you will receive instructions on how to coordinate your health insurance with the student accident plan from the school nurse.
In many cases, the student insurance will pay in full any remaining balance from your health plan. However, the plan has limits and you may be responsible to pay some costs. There is no deductible in the student accident plan. If you have any questions, please call the school health office at the Elementary School at (518) 895-8310 ext. 229 and at the Jr./Sr. High School at (518) 895-2355, ext. 225, or call the Central Office at (518) 895-2279.

Healthy Living

The Duanesburg School District continually reviews and evaluates its guidelines to ensure that students are provided information, food, and activities, which promote a healthy lifestyle. Our staff encourages snacks of vegetables, fruits, or cheese and crackers during their snack time. No carbonated drinks at snack or lunch. Combined exercise and proper diet help students to be better prepared and focused for learning to take place in and out of the classroom. Also, for everyone’s health and safety, students are not allowed to share food during snack time, lunch, or breakfast periods. 

Peanut/Tree Nut Allergies

There are several children with peanut/tree nut allergies. Please refrain from using peanuts, including peanut butter, in any projects done on school property. We ask that all parents keep peanut products to a minimum, especially if you know that your child shares a classroom with a child with peanut/tree nut allergies.

Lunch and Breakfast Program

Students are offered a choice of nutritionally balanced hot or cold breakfast/lunch meals. Extra milk or juice (at the breakfast program), an extra hot meal, a la carte items, and ice cream or a cookie (at the lunch program) may be purchased daily for an additional fee. The cost is listed on the monthly menu.

Free or reduced priced lunches are available to students whose family incomes fall below a federally designated level. For more information, contact the school office.


Our transportation department strives to provide a safe ride for all students. The elementary school and transportation department carefully tracks students so we use bus slips when students are not taking their regular bus home. Due to student capacity numbers on buses, parents/guardians need to indicate one drop off and one pick up location for their
child(ren) when preparing the child care/parent transport form.

Parents/guardians should complete bus slips when they pick up their child(ren) who normally ride the bus home or if they request their child(ren) to ride another bus one day. Bus slips must be received by 8:30 a.m. so the transportation department has time to access availability of seating capacity and to determine if the bus slip can be honored. The transportation department will communicate to the elementary/ secondary school if the bus slip cannot be honored and the respective main office staff will contact the parent/guardian to determine how the student will get home.

Parent/guardians must complete the bus slip, including day telephone contact number. Bus slip procedures are posted on our website and available in the main office.

Primary age children grades K-3 will not be dropped off at their stop unless a parent or responsible adult is present or a telephone call verifies their presence at home.


The school has adopted a district-wide school safety plan and building-level emergency response plans for each building in the district. These plans are intended to define how the district and each school building will respond to threats of violence and disasters, providing a framework for identifying and implementing appropriate strategies for creating and maintaining a safe, secure learning environment for all students. A copy of this plan is available for examination in the district office.

Fire Drills and Safety Drills

In the event of a fire drill, students need to be aware of the location of fire exit signs. Students need to listen closely to staff directions and remain quiet throughout the fire or safety drill procedures.

Emergency Dismissal

In the event that school closes early due to an emergency, the office will follow the information that parents/guardians have filled out on the emergency data sheet. Parents/guardians will be contacted through One Call Now.

Accident Prevention/Safety Procedures

These rules are to ensure the safety of students and employees of the district while on district property. All students and members of the school community must:

1. Immediately report any conditions involving equipment or buildings which may be dangerous to student or employee health or welfare.
2. immediately report any unsafe practices by anyone in the building or on the grounds; and
3. observe the 15 mile per hour speed limit on school grounds


School policies are available in their entirety from the Board of Education page, central office or main office.


Parent/Guardian(s) with Disabilities

Parent/Guardians with disabilities will be afforded an equal opportunity to participate in the service, programs and activities of the district, particularly those which are designed for parental involvement and are directly related to their child’s academic and/or disciplinary progress (e.g. parent/teacher conferences, and/or meetings with other school personnel).

Parental Involvement

The school district believes that children succeed when there is a strong partnership between home and school. This partnership thrives on open communication between parent/guardians and the school, parental involvement in their child’s education, and parental responsibility for all aspects of their child’s education. Parent/Guardians can become partners in their child’s education by:

● Becoming familiar with their child’s school activities and academic program, including special programs offered by the district;
● Discussing with teachers, social workers and principals the options and opportunities available to their child;
● Monitoring their child’s academic progress and contacting teachers when necessary;
● Attending scheduled teacher/school conferences;
● Volunteering to assist at school as time permits;
● Monitoring their child’s attendance at school. Regular school attendance is important if a child is to achieve his/her full potential. Parents are urged to make an extra effort to ensure their child establishes a regular attendance pattern.

Learning does not end when the school day is over. DCS encourages parent/guardians to set aside time for reading, informal learning activities, and assisting their child with homework assignments. Parent/guardians can also become involved in their child’s education on a broader scale by joining the Duanesburg Parent-Teacher-Student Association. DCS’ PTA is a strong link between home and school. By joining the PTA, parent/guardians become partners in advancing the educational goals of the school district while enhancing the welfare of their child. PTA meetings are held on the second Wednesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. in the elementary school library.

Parent/Guardian Conferences & Open Houses

​Parent/ guardians should feel free to request a conference with their child’s teacher at any time. Parent/Teacher Conference Day is scheduled in November. Back-to-School Night/Open House is in September. Detailed letters are sent home a week prior to these events and dates are posted on the district calendar. If a parent cannot attend a scheduled conference, he/she should notify the school as far in advance as possible so that another conference time may be arranged.

Student Directory Information

Student directory information (defined as name, grade, school, town of residence, photograph, participation in activities and/or sports, and any honors or awards received) may be released for publicity purposes to the media or other organizations and/or used in school district publications or on the official district Web site. Parents/guardians who object to the release of their child’s directory information should notify in writing both the superintendent of schools and their child’s building principal within 14 days of the start of each school year.

Staff Qualifications

Pursuant to the No Child Left Behind Act, parents/guardians may request information about the professional qualifications of t heir child’s classroom teachers including whether the teacher has State certification for the classes being taught; the teacher’s bachelor’s degree major and any other certifications or degrees by field or discipline; and whether the child is provided services by paraprofessionals and, if so, their qualifications. Requests for the above information may be directed in writing to the superintendent of schools.

Student Privacy

Under the Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment (PPRA), parents/guardians have the right to inspect and opt their child out of any student survey that reveals information about personal attitudes, behaviors or beliefs. Parents/guardians also have the right to receive notice of, and opt their child out of, any activities that involve the e collection, disclosure or use of a student’s personal information for marketing purposes and out of any non-emergency, invasive physical exam or screening, except for hearing, vision and scoliosis screenings or as permitted or required by state law.

Student Records

All students’ records are confidential. Under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), parents and students who are over 18 years of age (“eligible students”) have the right to inspect and review the student’s educational records. Such a request must be sent in writing to the superintendent of schools. Arrangements will be made to provide access to such records within 45 days after the request has been received. Parents also have the right to request the amendment of the student’s education records believed to be inaccurate or misleading by writing to the superintendent, identifying the record and specifying what they believe is inaccurate and why. Parents also have the right to consent to disclosure of personally identifiable information in a student’s education record, except to the extent that FERPA authorizes disclosure without consent. It is the district’s policy to disclose personally identifiable information from student records, without consent, to school district officials with legitimate educational interests (i.e., to fulfill professional responsibilities) and, upon request, to another school district or institution in which a student seeks enrollment. School officials include administrators, supervisors, instructors and support staff employed by the district; Board of Education members; a person or company (e.g., attorney, auditor or therapist) with whom the district has contracted to perform a special task; or a parent or student serving on an official committee or assisting another school official in performing duties.
Parents who believe the district has not complied with FERPA requirements may file a complaint with the Family Policy Compliance Office, U.S. Department of Education, Washington, DC, 20202-4605. 

School/Public Concerns

Most often, parent/guardian concerns can be addressed simply through a telephone call or a conference with the teacher. If the matter is not settled satisfactorily, the concern or issue should be directed to the building principal, or if necessary, to the superintendent.

Asbestos Management Plan

In accordance with the EPA Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act, the Duanesburg Central School District has in place an asbestos management plan to identify and manage asbestos building materials. The Asbestos Management Plan (AMP) for the district is kept on file at the district office at 133 School Drive, Delanson. These records are available for review during regular business hours (8 a.m. to 4 p.m.) or by making an appointment. For more information, contact the business administrator in the district business office at (518) 895-2279. Information about required inspections and any scheduled asbestos projects occurring this school year is contained within the AMP and is available on the district Web site.

Integrated Pest Management

New York State Education Law requires the district to provide written notification to all persons in parental relation, faculty and staff regarding the potential use of pesticides periodically throughout the school year. The district is required to maintain a list of persons in parental relation, faculty and staff who wish to receive 48-hour prior written notification of certain pesticide applications.

The following pesticide applications are not subject to prior notification requirements: the use of disinfectant, certain substances used in areas that are off-limits to students, and if the school will be unoccupied for a continuous 72 hours following an application.

In the event of an emergency application necessary to protect against an imminent threat to human health, a good-faith effort will be made to supply written notification to those on the 48-hour prior notification list. To receive 48-hour prior notification of pesticide applications, please call the district office at 895-2279.

Paperless Communications

Duanesburg Elementary School has gone “paperless.” This means that all publications will be put on our school’s website for viewing and printing, eliminating the need for mass copying of communications. The only exception will be families who do not have access to a computer. DCS uses the One Call Now messaging system to communicate with parents/guardians via email and text messages.

Child Abuse in an Educational Setting

Students have the right to an educational setting that does not threaten their physical and emotional health and development. Child abuse by school personnel and school volunteers violates this right and therefore is strictly prohibited. Parent/guardians who believe that their child has been abused by employees or volunteers of the district should immediately notify the building principal of their child’s school. The appropriate law enforcement authorities/NYS Child Abuse Hotline will be notified if there is reasonable suspicion that an act of child abuse has occurred.

Home Schooled Students

The Education Law permits the education of children at home, provided that children of compulsory education age receive full-time instruction, and are taught by competent teachers and receive instruction that is substantially equivalent to that provided at the public schools of the student’s district of residence. However, state law does not require any specific credentials for the person providing home instruction. Further information regarding Home-Schooled Students may be obtained by contacting the District Office.


The Student Handbook is a document that is meant to guide students’ understanding of school rules and procedures. The handbook is not a complete list of all school policies. Other policies are available upon request. The handbook is not an irrevocable contractual commitment to the student, but reflects the current status of the rules and policies​.