Athletic Placement Process
The Athletic Placement Process, also known as Selective Classification, is a program for evaluating students who want to participate in sports at higher or lower levels, as approved by the Board of Regents as a part of the school eligibility rules in 1980, and is aligned with Learning Standards 1 and 2. Commissioner’s Regulation Section 135.4 (c)(7)(ii)(a)(4)states:
A Board of Education may permit pupils in grades no lower than seventh to compete on any senior high school team, or permit senior high pupils to compete on any teams in grades no lower than seventh, provided the pupils are placed at levels of competition appropriate to their physiological maturity, physical fitness, and skills in relationship to other pupils on those teams in accordance with standards established by the Commissioner.
These standards state that students will have the necessary knowledge and skills to establish and maintain physical fitness, participate in physical activity, maintain personal health, and acquire both the knowledge and ability to create and maintain a safe and healthy environment.
The New York State Education Department collaborated with the New York State Athletic Administrators Association, the New York State Public High School Athletic Association, the Statewide School Health Services Center, district directors of school health services (commonly referred to as medical directors and previously known as school medical officers), and directors of physical education/athletics to promote physical education and interschool athletic competition statewide to develop standards for athletic placement.