Duanesburg community approves 2024-2025 school budget

Them Peterson and Spor re-elected to Board of Education; MacTiernan elected to first term

Voters in the Duanesburg Central School District approved the district’s $19,443,000 spending plan for the 2024-25 school year by a vote
of 289-120, a 71% margin.

The budget for next school year includes a 2.41% ($458,000) year-to-year spending increase and called for a tax levy increase of 2.70% ($236,094), which was at the district’s tax levy limit or “cap” of 2.71% and required only a simple majority vote for approval (more than 50%).

“This past budget planning cycle was a challenging one for many school districts across the state,” DCS Interim Superintendent Jeffery Ziegler said. “Thoughtful and strategic long-range financial planning at DCS enabled us to compensate for flat foundation aid this year by allocating $100,000 from reserves and $1.15 million from district fund balance. We are grateful for the community’s trust in us to be the stewards of their tax dollars, and proud to have their support on the common goal of graduating young adults who are ready for the world ahead of them,” he added.

Board of Education Elections

Voters elected three candidates to serve on the Board of Education for three-year terms beginning July 1, 2024. Three candidates ran unopposed for three open board seats. Current BOE President Melissa Them-Peterson and current Vice President Francis Spor were both re-elected. Ramone (Raye) MacTiernan was elected to his first term as a member of the Board of Education.

The final Board of Education meeting of this current school year will be held at 6:30 p.m. on Tuesday, June 18. Them Peterson, Spor and MacTiernan will begin their three-year terms at the start of the 2024-2025 school year, on July 1, 2024. 

Establishing a Capital Reserve Fund – Approved

A measure to establish a Capital Reserve Fund was approved by a vote of 297-111, a 73% margin. The reserve fund will allow the district to contribute fund balance to it over the next 10 years, to a maximum of $6,000,000, as a way to help save for future capital project expenses.

Bus Purchases – Approved

The community also approved a proposition allowing the district to purchase three school buses at a cost not to exceed $400,000. One vehicle will be a 71-passenger propane-fueled bus; another will be a 30-passenger gas-fueled bus; and another will be a small passenger, four-wheel drive SUV. The proposal passed by a vote of 290-119, a 71% margin.