DCS student athletes are expected to perform as role models for our student body and our community. Athletes are expected to attain passing grades, follow the guidelines outlined in the Athletic Code of Conduct and the DCS Student handbook. They understand that these expectations apply to the school environment, field of competition, and in the community. Duanesburg Central School district’s athletic Code of Conduct augments the rules and standards of Duanesburg High School as well as those established by NYSPHAA Section 2, and the Western Athletic Conference. The athletic codes establish standards for the behavior of student athletes, and is in effect at all times and in all places.
Academic Eligibility for Athletes
The athletes representing Duanesburg Central Schools are student athletes and have a responsibility to excel in the classroom as well as on the field of play. All athletes must maintain a passing grade point average in their courses as outlined in the Athletic Academic Eligibility Policy. Students not in good academic standing will be ineligible for participation in sports.
Sports Physical
Sports physicals are provided by the school district at no cost to our students-athletes. A student may choose to have a sports physical through a private physician; however, school district forms must be completed by the physician and all costs incurred are the responsibility of the student-athlete. A sports physical is in effect for one school year. A current “Health History Update” form must be completed by the parent/guardian for any physical over 30 days old. A sports physical is required before participation in any interscholastic school sport is permitted.
Insurance/Accident Statement
Interscholastic athletics involve the risk of injury to the participants. In case of an injury, coaches and qualified school personnel are authorized to provide first-aid and arrange for emergency treatment they deem necessary. Duanesburg Central School District carries a secondary insurance policy for injuries. The parent’s insurance will be billed first. The school’s insurance may not completely pay all bills. The parent will be responsible for bills not paid by insurance. It is the responsibility of the athletes to report all injuries to their coach immediately. The coach will then complete appropriate accident reports and file the report with the school nurse.
Playing Time
Interscholastic sports at DCS consist of 3 levels; modified, JV and Varsity. The competitive level and ideology of each level dictates the expectation of playing time.
MODIFIED – Primary focus is skill development, fitness, and knowledge of the game/sport. Participation in live competition is key to this development. Athletes are expected to attend all practices and events. Barring health, safety, academic, or disciplinary reasons, playing time at this level is maximized to provide students with live competition.
JUNIOR VARSITY – Primary focus is preparing athletes to compete at the Varsity level. Emphasis shifts to team development and competitive performance. The disparity in playing time will begin to shift according to skill levels, sport/game sense, and physical fitness levels. Live competition is still a necessary for continued growth and coaches are encouraged to provide playing time to athletes who show commitment to continued growth.
VARSITY – The focus of a Varsity level Sport is to compete at the highest level possible. The coach has a responsibility to field the most competitive team possible. Playing time at this level is a decision made solely by the varsity coach. There will be a disparity of playing times as he/she fields a starting unit consisting of the athletes who will give the team the best opportunity of success.
Sports Offered at DCS
Visit our Athletic Teams page for a list of sports offered.
Visit the Concussion page for information about concussion protocols
Select Classification
Athletes in grade 7 or 8 who feel they are physically ready and have the skill set required to compete at a JV or Varsity level may request to be selectively classified. This involves a physical exam, fitness test, and skills assessment. If you are interested, more details are available at NYSPHAA Section II. Students who meet the requirements for select classification are eligible to try out for varsity or jv.
Important: A sports physical is not necessarily the same as a routine physical examination. If a student is examined by a private physician for participation in sports, it is essential that a school sports physical form be completed by the physician. Students in grade 7 and 8 should request a Tanner Score be included as part of the physical.
Equipment/Uniform Care
All equipment and uniforms issued by the school will be the responsibility of the individual athlete. Uniforms are to be worn for competition only. Players are expected to change as soon as possible after a meet / game. Any equipment damaged or not returned, must be paid for. Athletes not paying for the articles will forfeit their right to try out for another sport, receive any additional equipment or clothing, and will be ineligible for any awards until payment is received. It is your responsibility to notify the Director of PE & Athletics of such cases.
Transportation Policy
The athletic office will arrange transportation for all contests and practices as applicable. The departure time for each game will shared with the athletes by the coaches and be posted on the announcements on the day of the contest.
All student-athletes must ride to and from athletic contests in the vehicle provided by the school district. Exceptions: A student may ride home from an athletic contest with his/her parent. The parent must give the coach written permission and sign the athlete out at the conclusion of the contest. Students may ride home with the parent of a team mate only with prior written approval. The student must submit written parental permission to the AD by 12:00 on the day of the contest. The AD will verify the note and notify the coach.
Section II Code of Conduct for Spectators
- Spectators are an important part of the games and are encouraged to conform to accepted standards of good sportsmanship and behavior
- Spectators should at all times respect officials, visiting coaches, players and cheerleaders as guests in the community and extend all courtesies to them
- Enthusiastic cheering for one’s own team is encouraged
- Booing, whistling, stamping of the feet, and disrespectful remarks shall be avoided
- There will be no ringing of bells, sounding of horns or other noisemakers at indoor contests during play. Anyone who does not abide by this rule will be asked to leave the premises
- Pep bands or school bands, under the supervision of school personnel, may play during timeouts, between periods or half time. Bands must coordinate play as not to interfere with a cheerleading squad on the floor or field
- The throwing of debris, confetti or other objects from the stands is prohibited
- Offending individuals will be asked to leave the premises
- During free throw in basketball, all courtesies should be extended
- Spectators should encourage each other to observe courteous behavior. Improper behavior should be reported to the school authorities
- Spectators will observe the rules of the local school concerning smoking and drinking consumption, littering, and parking procedures
- Spectators will respect and obey all school officials and supervisors at athletic contests
- Violations of good sportsmanship will result in possible removal from event
Duanesburg Coaches
Coaches will follow the expectations, rules, ethical codes as established by NYSPHAA, Section II, WAC, and Duanesburg code of conduct. It is their responsibility to maintain current certifications and strictly adhere to all safety mandates. It is their obligation to treat each athlete with respect while providing them a top quality learning and competitive experience.
Parent/Guardian Expectation
Parents and guardians of our athletes play a vital role in our success. Ensuring your student athlete has a healthy diet, plenty of rest and keeps academics as a top priority. As fans, it is important to model positive sportsmanship for our team, abiding by Section 2 code of conduct. In addition, our sports teams rely on the support of the Booster Club, please consider being involved. It is important that each team have at least one parent/guardian who will serve as a liaison to the All-Sports Booster Club.
Rule Infractions and Consequences
The following infractions will result in the student athlete being suspended from a minimum of one game/contest. During this suspension the coach, in collaboration with the Athletic Director and the High School principal, may allow the student to practice. She/he will not be allowed to suit up or participate the scheduled game/meet.
- Any behavior resulting in the student athlete being assigned ISS or OSS.
- Disrespect/unsportsmanlike conduct resulting in ejection from a game/practice;
- Behavior raised to a level where it detracts from the team (including comments)
- Failure to abide by the rule expectations established by the coach
The following infractions will cause the athlete to be suspended for a minimum of 25% of the sports season to a maximum of 1 school year. The length of the suspension maybe determined at a Superintendent’s hearing as well as any additional suspension from school.
- Behavior resulting in a second ISS/OSS
- A second incident of disrespect/unsportsmanlike conduct resulting in ejection from a game/practice
- Hazing
- Attending an event where underage alcohol consumption is taking place or where there is presence/use of illegal drugs
- Use or possession of paraphernalia related to the use of drugs, tobacco and alcohol
- Use or possession of tobacco
- Unexcused absence from a game/match
- Any behavior on or off grounds that results in the involvement of law enforcement
- Continued failure to follow rules established by the coach
In addition to the Athletic Code of Conduct, Coaches may establish rules and expectations for their teams including practice policies. These will be approved by the AD and distributed to all athletes at Meet the Coaches Night. The coach has the authorization to bench an athlete for one or more games for failure to abide by the established rules and exceptions.
Excused Absences
Being a member of a team is a season long commitment and loss of practice and playing time can impact a player’s role on a team. Please plan vacations on the off season when possible. At a coach’s discretion, an athlete may request in advance to be excused from practice or a game / match. Excused absences will be granted for illness, overlapping school activities, or family emergencies only. When absent – an athlete must bring a written excuse from parent or guardian explaining the reason for the absence and submit it to the attendance office upon return. Student athletes must be in school on time. Athletes arriving after the beginning of period 2 should attend but not participate in practice or game on that day unless it is an excused tardy. Which must be accompanied by a doctor’s note or other pre-approved excuses.