Complete our COVID-19 testing form

Dear DCS Community:  I am reaching out to you today to ask for your help in keeping our schools open. We had previously shared with youinformation about the state’s strategy to combat COVID-19 through a color-coded system known as the Micro-Cluster Initiative. This is a system of designating certain areas as a Yellow, Orange or …

Cross-country, golf teams earn scholar athlete recognition

The DCS Athletics Department is proud to announce the fall season scholar-athlete teams as recognized by the NYSPHSAA. To receive scholar-athlete team recognition with a certificate, the team’s average GPA for 75 percent of the roster must be greater than or equal to 90. Congratulations to everyone for all of their hard work! Girls cross-country …

Explaining color-coded zones for COVID-19 ‘microclusters’

Dear DCS Community:  Schools in New York have received new guidance about how the state is tracking COVID-19 infection rates. The state has implemented a color-coding system as a means to identify “hotspot” areas. We want to share information about how this color-coding system may impact our schools. Please note that at this time, there …

Students pen letters to community organizations for Kindness Day

Duanesburg Elementary School celebrated World Kindness Day on Friday, Nov. 13. Each grade level wrote thank you letters that were mailed to local community groups and service organizations.  It was a great opportunity for students learn about people in their community and how simple actions of kindness can impact the world.  Letters, cards and pictures …

DES honors veterans with car parade and collection for soldiers

Duanesburg Elementary School wasn’t able to hold its traditional Veterans Day Ceremony, but students and staff persevered and found a way to make it happen. Local veterans were honored in a drive-through car parade on Tuesday, Nov. 10 as the entire student body waved and cheered from the sidewalk holding handmade signs.  DES was able …

Teachers find new ways to teach in-class and remote

Duanesburg faculty are trailblazing new teaching methods as education is reimagined under hybrid learning. They are working harder than ever to teach in multiple classrooms, while also teaching students remotely through live streams — all at the same time.  Some faculty are teaching up to 50 students at once. They lead students in their classrooms …

COVID-19 Transparency & Notification Protocols

The Duanesburg Central School District is committed to as much transparency and information sharing as possible with regard to COVID-19 in our school community. Although there are no cases of COVID-19 in the district at this time, we want to share information about how you would be informed if there is a positive case. We …

Free & Reduced Price Meals program: benefits beyond nutritious meals

Parents and guardians are encouraged to apply for the confidential Free & Reduced Price Meals program, which provides free meals for all qualifying children. This program also benefits students beyond nutritious meals: participation may also provide them with fee waivers for tests, applications, scholarships and programs, including College in the High School courses. A tuition …

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