Eight DCS students receive national recognition from College Board

Congratulations to the following DCS juniors and seniors who were recently recognized by College Board for various awards! These prestigious national accolades are handed to top students who apply and meet a number of criteria, including scoring in the top 10% of PSAT test takers from the state, and earning a cumulative GPA of B+ …

Join the DCS family as a substitute teacher!

Are you passionate about education and looking for a flexible way to make a difference in our community? DCS is actively seeking enthusiastic community members to join our network of substitute teachers. We are ALWAYS in need of dedicated substitutes. The best part? You get to create your own schedule! Whether you can commit to …

DCS students in PK-12 receive FREE breakfast and lunch at school for 2024-2025

The Duanesburg Central School District recently qualified for the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP), which means that ALL students in grades PK-12 will receive FREE breakfast and lunch meals at school for the 2024-25 school year. The district received this designation based on different factors that revealed the need for financial assistance for district families.  The …

Duanesburg community approves 2024-2025 school budget

Them Peterson and Spor re-elected to Board of Education; MacTiernan elected to first term Voters in the Duanesburg Central School District approved the district’s $19,443,000 spending plan for the 2024-25 school year by a vote of 289-120, a 71% margin. The budget for next school year includes a 2.41% ($458,000) year-to-year spending increase and called …

Rosenzweig competes in national ski competition at Copper Mountain in CO

Best of luck to DCS sophomore student-athlete SEAN ROSENZWEIG who is competing in the USA Snowboard & Freeski Association (USASA) National Championships at Copper Mountain in Frisco, Colorado on Monday, April 8! Sean skis in the Adirondack Series of the USASA, representing the Gore Mountain NYSEF Freeride Team and is sponsored by Alpin Haus. This …

DCS senior welding student Mason Hack completes CTE project with “pizza-zaz”

What do you do on the afternoon before spring recess if you are welding students who just fabricated a pizza oven from scratch? You make pizzas of course!  DCS senior Mason Hack attends Capital Region BOCES’ Career and Technical Education Center in Albany where he studies welding and metal fabrication. Just before spring break, Hack …

DCS Drama Club presents “The Wizard of Oz” March 22, 23 & 24

Join us this weekend to support our DCS students appearing in performances of “The Wizard of Oz” this weekend! Shows will be at 7 p.m. on both Friday, March 22 and Saturday, March 23, and at 2 p.m. on Sunday, March 24. Performances will take place in Joe Bena Hall at the Duanesburg Jr.-Sr. High …

Kimberly Ross named Superintendent of Schools

The Duanesburg Central School District Board of Education announced that Kimberly Ross has been selected to serve as the district’s next superintendent of schools, effective July 1, 2024. The board will vote on Ross’ appointment at a special meeting on Tuesday, March 5 at 7 p.m. Ross is currently the superintendent of schools for the …

Allison O’Hanlon breaks NY state record for most career 3-point field goals

Congratulations to DCS senior student-athlete ALLISON O’HANLON on breaking the New York State Public High School Athletic Association‘s record for “Most Career 3-Pt. Field Goals” during Wednesday night’s team win over Mayfield. The previous record-holder was Sara Pfeiffer of Olean, NY (Section 6), who scored 339 3-point field goals during the years of 2014-2019. Allison …

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