Please excuse our appearance this summer …. we’re building a new bus loop at the elementary school!
The “Bus Loop” capital project, which was approved by voters in September, ‘21, has officially entered the construction phase. Engineers broke ground this week for the project and plans are to have the new bus loop completed in the early fall.
Next year, school buses will pick-up and drop-off students in the new bus circle, which will essentially be an extension of the current parking lot at the transportation building. With this addition, there will be less congestion and traffic in our current bus loop, which will be dedicated solely to family drop-offs/pick-ups next year. The current bus loop will also be repaved, with additional parking spaces being added for the coming school year.

Members of DCS’s facilities department are hard at work over at DES this week too, with the removal of some dead pine trees lining the entrance of the parking lot, and management of the soil being removed for the creation of the new bus loop. That soil will be used in various places around the school properties, including improvements being made to the football field at DES.
The capital project also calls for the installation of new windows in many of the classrooms at the elementary school. Unfortunately, due to supply chain issues, this part of the project is experiencing some delays.
If you’d like to keep tabs on the bus loop project, you can check the district’s Transparency Center, which can be found at the bottom of the district’s homepage of the website: Once you are on the ClearGov page, click the “Projects” tab and then “Elementary Bus Loop Project.”