The Duanesburg Central School District strives to keep the avenues of communication open and ensure that all concerns and issues are addressed in the best way possible.
While Board of Education members serve as community representatives, contacting the Board as a first step when an issue arises may not be the most efficient way to resolve it. Most issues can be identified, clarified and addressed more promptly when directed to those most familiar with the situation.
To that end, individuals with questions, concerns, complaints and/or suggestions are encouraged to contact the employee closest to the issue. If the issue is not satisfactorily resolved at this level, the individual may progress through the line of responsibility until the matter is resolved.
To prioritize the security and privacy of our teachers and staff, direct email addresses have been removed from this page. You can still reach teachers and staff members by using their first initial followed by their last name (e.g., for John Doe).
However, we strongly encourage parents to utilize the ParentSquare app for all communication with teachers and staff. ParentSquare offers a secure and streamlined platform for messaging, updates, and more.
Please call the central office at (518) 895-2279 with any questions.
District Office
133 School Drive, Delanson, NY 12053
Phone: (518) 895-2279
Fax: (518) 895-2626
Superintendent of Schools
Kimberly Ross, ext. 241
Secretary to the Superintendent/District Clerk
Serena Killenberger, ext. 241
Assistant Superintendent of Management Services
Jeffrey Rivenburg, ext. 241
Management Information Systems Director (Technology)
Joseph O’Neill, ext. 246
Accounts Payable/Tax Collector
Michelle Hundley, ext. 322
Deputy Treasurer/Human Resources
Audrey Helme, ext. 239
Director of Special Education
Danielle Schneible, (518) 895-2580
Fax: (518) 836-0681
Chairperson for Committee on Special Education (CSE)
Chairperson for Committee on Pre-School Special Education (CPSE)
Special Education (CSE/CPSE/504) Clerical Aide
Alicia Charletta
(518) 895-2580, ext. 221
Food Services Manager
Daniel Sala, ext. 228
Director of Facilities
Aanen Aanensen, ext. 260
Communications Specialist/Web Administrator/Media
Trisha Miller, ext. 371
(917) 848-5787, cell
Duanesburg Jr./Sr. High School
163 School Drive, Delanson, NY 12053
Phone: (518) 895-3000
Fax: (518) 836-0721
Counseling Center Fax: (518) 836-0624
Jr./Sr. High School Principal
Jodi L. Marvin, ext. 221
High School Secretary
Andrea Hunter, ext. 221
Athletic Coordinator
7-12 Attendance/Athletic Director’s Clerical Aide
Kelsey Flaherty, ext. 224
School Nurse/Health Office
Stephanie Yauchler, ext. 240
Fax: (518) 836-0657
District DASA Coordinator
Library Media Specialist
Counseling Center (Guidance)
(518) 895-3000
Counseling Center Fax: (518) 836-0624
Kristina Goebel, Counselor, ext. 261
Joshua Moeckel, Counselor, ext. 226
Dana Kamer, Student Support Counselor, ext. 232
TBD, Counseling Clerical Aide, ext. 227
K-12 School Psychologist
Elizabeth Whitney (interim)
Kevin DiTondo
Shelby Terwilliger
Scott Hopkins (Band)
Lindsay Heck
Laura Hopkins
Rebecca Pless
Andrew Bartlett
Kendra Shedina
Family & Consumer Science
Foreign Language
Isabel Kalin
Karen Bliss
Teresa Crasto-Donnelly
Lisa Della Rocco
Kristina Crane
Physical Education/Health
Catherine (Catie) Wilson
Brett Simpson
Melissa Gregory
Neil McConnelee
April Hoffman
Kate Pryor
Johannah Mollitor
Social Studies
Christopher Herron
Ashley Sigond
Adam Randall
David Schalekamp
Special Education
Carol Conley
Mark Gillmeister
Shannon Gordon
Peri Pearson
Meghan Downs
Michael Gauthier
Duanesburg Elementary School
165 Chadwick Road, Delanson, NY 12053
(518) 895-8310 (Auto-attendant)
Main Office: (518) 895-2580 or (518) 895-2310
Fax: (518) 836-0715
Andrea Conover, ext. 221
Principal’s Secretary
Leah Simpson, ext. 221
PK-6 Attendance/K-12 Registration
Joanne Boyd, ext. 243
Nurse/Health Office
ext. 229
Fax: (518) 708-6814
Janell Sindoni, RN
Social Worker
David Presson, ext. 244
K-12 School Psychologist
Elizabeth Whitney (interim)
DASA Coordinator for DES
Ashley Venturiello
Alicia Donohue
Bridget Minute
Debbie Johnson
Susan Gutmaker
First Grade
Melinda Rorie
Melissa Neppl
Rachael Lebo
Second Grade
Melissa Durrant
Melissa Walsh
Third Grade
McKenzie Ryan
Madeline Lamb
Fourth Grade
Kelly DiSalvi
Erin Goodwin
Robert Lane
Fifth Grade
Richard Duff
Spencer Falco
Christine McKane
Sixth Grade
Christopher Danapilis
Danielle Surnear
Karen Hildenbrandt
Tracy Stryker
Amanda Chovan
Mary-Clare Waltz
Scott Hopkins
Physical Education
Grady Gawrys
Jenna Veglia
Rachel Woodrow
Response to Intervention Services
Andrea Conover, ext. 221
Special Education
Michelle De’Leon
Sarah Lovell
Courtney Rafferty
Christine Zeigler
Occupational Therapist
Jacob Ballmes
9225 Duanesburg Road, Delanson, NY 12053
Phone: (518) 895-2511
Fax: (518) 895-2018
Head Bus Driver
Tammy Bradt, Ext. 235