The Duanesburg Central School District’s Board of Education held its annual reorganizational meeting on Wednesday, July 5, 2023, during which it elected its board officers and appointed two staff members to new positions.
Board members unanimously elected Melissa Them Peterson president for the 2023-24 school year and Francis Spor vice president. Alyssa Craig and incumbent Toni Amorosi were sworn in as newly elected board members with each serving three-year terms that will expire on June 30, 2026.
After its reorganizational meeting, the board held its first regular business meeting of the new school year. Two long-time DCS staff members were appointed to new positions in the district. Former elementary teacher Melanie O’Neill was appointed to the newly created position of Education Technology Specialist and Chief Information Officer, and Danielle Schneibel, who previously served as the district’s chairperson for both the Special Education Committee and Preschool Special Education Committee, was appointed as the district’s Director of Special Education. Both appointments are effective as of July 1, 2023.
Pictured left to right: Melanie O’Neill, DCS’ new Education Technology Specialist and Chief Information Officer and Danielle Schneible, Director of Special Education.
As the Board of Education prepares itself for the coming school year, it would like to share some important reminders about how the public can be involved with BOE meetings:
- 2023-24 Meeting Calendar: Board meetings are generally held at 6:30 p.m. on the second Tuesday of the month in the Joe Bena Auditorium at Duanesburg Junior-Senior High School. A full list of meeting dates for the 2023-24 school year can be found on the Board of Education page of the district website.
- Livestream: As a courtesy to the community, the DCS BOE provides a livestream of all board meetings on the district’s YouTube channel (@DCSEagles). Past meetings are also archived here.
- BOE Meeting Agendas: Meeting agendas, materials and minutes are publicly posted to Board Docs, which can be accessed on the district website.
- Public Comment: The public is welcome to attend Board of Education meetings to observe and listen. The opportunity for the public to speak at BOE meetings takes place during the public comment portion at the beginning of each meeting. Each person wishing to speak is allotted three minutes and must adhere to Policy 1510, which explains the protocols for public comment.
- Contact the BOE: To contact the Board of Education, please email duanesburgboe@duanesburg.org. Messages will go to all seven board members.