It’s an annual tradition like no other ….. Duanesburg staff and students hosted a beautiful ceremony last week to honor and recognize our local veterans!
More than two dozen local veterans attended the ceremony, which was organized by elementary music teacher Mary-Clare Waltz and art teacher Amanda Chovan. Members of DES’ Student Council also participated in the event. Veterans paraded through the students to the front of the gym, where they were seated in front of a “Wall Of Heroes,” with pictures of DCS family members who are veterans.
The Junior-Senior High School band, conducted by Scott Hopkins, performed several patriotic tunes and DES students in PK-6 also serenaded veterans with songs that they had rehearsed in the weeks leading up to the big celebration.
Mr. Thomas Kropp, a veteran of the Army National Guard, was the distinguished guest speaker for the ceremony. Color Guard members from Saratoga National Cemetery presented a moving flag folding demonstration and performed “Taps.”

Veterans Visit Classrooms at DES: