DES Principal Andrea Conover Announces Retirement

a woman with red hair smiles, wearing a white shirtDuanesburg Elementary School principal Andrea Conover has announced that she will retire at the end of this school year, after a 30-year career in the field of education — 14 years of which were spent in the Duanesburg Central School District. Conover started at DCS in 2011, when she was hired to oversee the district’s special education program. Less than a year later, she was named principal of Duanesburg Elementary School.

“As a district, we are incredibly grateful to Mrs. Conover for the many years that she has devoted to our students,” Superintendent of Schools Kimberly Ross said. “Personally, I am thankful that my own career path overlapped with her time at Duanesburg. We are indebted to her for the solid foundation she has built at DES over the years, and recognize her legacy, which will continue to inspire for years to come,” Ross added.

The district will commence the search for a new elementary principal immediately, in order to have a new principal in place by July 1, with enough time to prepare for the start of the 2025-2026 school year.

The position has been posted to OLAS, with applications due back to the district by Tuesday, April 15. Interested candidates should apply on OLAS:

Once applications have been vetted, Superintendent Ross will set up various interview panels made up of a variety of stakeholders including students, community members, teachers and administrators. Superintendent Ross will also send out internal and external surveys to solicit feedback that will help inform the district’s search for a new principal.