Bringing DCS’ Rich History to Life
In 2021, the Duanesburg Central School District reinvigorated efforts to update and maintain the district’s Hall of Fame to accurately archive the history of the school, and appropriately honor staff and students whose contributions have added to the success of the district.
The Hall of Fame was previously showcased in the hallway outside the main gymnasium at the Jr.-Sr. High School, with plaques commemorating those who had been inducted to the Hall of Fame.
The Hall of Fame is now exclusively online and can be accessed here.
An interactive touch-screen display was installed in the Jr.-Sr. High School in the fall of 2022, for students and visitors to access the Hall of Fame and read more about the important contributions of honored staff and alumni.

Nominations should be submitted by the end of the school year (June). The DCS Hall of Fame Committee will review nominations and select up to three nominations for induction. Inductees will be informed over the summer and invited to a reception and recognition at the first Board of Education meeting of the new school year.
If you have a DCS graduate to nominate as a potential Hall of Fame inductee, please go to
Criteria for Hall of Fame Inductees
DCS Staff
Staff Nomination should meet one or more of the following criteria:
- Models characteristics described in the DCS Mission Statement: provide students of every ability the support, quality instruction and experiences they need as they strive to fulfill their dreams and aspirations.
- Contributes to the development of the DCS Community District Priorities: Academic Achievement, Personal Development, Facilities and Finances, Culture, Partnerships, Communication.
- Staff nominations can include current or former staff and retired staff.
- Nominations can also be made posthumously.
DCS Alumni
Alumni Nomination should meet one or more of the following criteria:
- Connects experience at DCS with what the person has chosen to do with their lives/career
- Serves as an inspiration to current students – makes students want to aspire to be more
- Maintains a connection with DCS after they graduate
- Brings a sense of pride to DCS; stands out as a DCS graduate
COMMUNITY HELP: If you are a DCS history expert and would like to add to this ongoing project, please email the communications department at