UPDATE (3/25/25): The deadline has now passed to sign your child up for PK for the 2025-2026 school year. At this time, the district anticipates having enough spots for those children who have completed applications on file. The district does NOT anticipate having to hold a lottery for placement into the PK program for 2025-2026, but will make that final decision in April after DES staffing needs for next school year have been fully analyzed. The district will communicate directly with PK families once more information becomes finalized and available.
Time to start thinking about registering your child(ren) for prekindergarten at DCS! Children who reside in the district and will be four years old on or before December 1, 2025 are eligible to attend pre-K for the 2025-2026 school year.
FIRST STEP …. Interested families should contact DCS registrar Joanne Boyd at (518) 895-2580 or jboyd@duanesburg.org to put their student’s name on the pre-K list and request an application.
* Completed applications are due back to the district registrar by FRIDAY, MARCH 14, 2025 *
Read below for more information about the pre-K program at DCS. If you have further questions, please don’t hesitate to contact DES principal Andrea Conover or district registrar Joanne Boyd at (518) 895-2580 or by email:
Andrea Conover – DES Principal – aconover@duanesburg.org
Joanne Boyd – DCS Registrar – jboyd@duanesburg.org
Pre-Kindergarten in Duanesburg
Duanesburg offers a full day pre-kindergarten program (8:30 a.m. – 2 p.m.) at Duanesburg Elementary School. There is no charge to families who reside in the district, and school bus transportation is provided. While at pre-K, students also participate in art, music and physical education classes.
Who is eligible to attend pre-K for 2025-26 school year?
Children who reside in the Duanesburg School District and will be four years old on or before December 1, 2025 are eligible to attend pre-kindergarten for the 2025-26 school year.
To enroll or for more information about pre-K
At this time, full-day pre-K programs are available at both Duanesburg Elementary School and Whispering Pines Preschool.
To enroll your child in Duanesburg’s pre-K program, please first contact student registrar Joanne Boyd at (518) 895-2580 or jboyd@duanesburg.org to add your name to the list and request an application.
In the event that the district has more interest than it has available UPK slots, it is possible that a random lottery will be used to determine selection. All students not selected would automatically be added to a wait-list and called in order of their selection if a slot becomes available.
Questions may be directed to Andrea Conover, Duanesburg Elementary School Principal, aconover@duanesburg.org or (518) 895-2580.
Helpful resources for parents & families
Parent Network
Parent Network of Western New York offers a website with many resources for parents, guardians and families with young children. It is a not-for-profit agency that provides support and education on disabilities, special education and services, and it is designated as a Technical Assistance Center by the New York State Education Department.