Pre-sale general admission tickets are now available for the Duanesburg Drama Club’s spring musical, “The Addams Family!”
Scan the QR code in the graphic or purchase here: http://dcsdramaclub.org
Performances are at 6:30 p.m. on both Friday, March 21 and Saturday, March 22, and at 2 p.m. on Sunday, March 23. Tickets are $13 for adults and $9 for students and staff and can also be purchased at the door.
DCS Drama Club is hosting a food drive for the food pantry at Our Lady of Fatima all this week. Non-perishable items can be brought to the main office all next week during school hours, or dropped in a collection box at the door of the musical.
Online ticketing brought to you with support from the Duanesburg Education Foundation.
Cast List
Gomez Addams – Asa Pagano
Morticia Addams – Christiona Fourman
Wednesday Addams – Lorelei Benson
Uncle Fester – Lillian Kline
Pugsley Addams – Lucy MacTiernan
Grandma – Shaye Norman-Paniccia
Lucas Beineke – Santino Bailey
Alice Beineke – Lucy Spor
Mal Beineke – Connor Zyniecki
Lurch – Emry Spence
The Addams Ancestors
Callie Baker
Alina Cosh
Michael DeSorbo
Oliver Evans
Connor Gray
Ryan Lee
Alex Lewandowski
Noah MacTiernan
Ava O’Bryan
Lily Pennock
Mikayla Rivenburg
Sophie Tripp
Sam Largeteau, Max Largeteau, Meghan Bailey, Kieran Lotfield, Madalyn McHugh, Kendra Maurer, Jessie Rapp, Avery Hoffman
Set Build Crew
Derek Bennett, Giles Corey, Tyler Decker, Hayden DiCaprio, Ryan Gildharry, Gabriel Jesco, Jack Jewett, Kaeden Mickle, Jack Mormando, Harley Richtmeyer
Light & Sound Crew
Henry Spor and Jisele Menzies
Set Design: Mike Gauthier
Set Painting: Raye MacTiernan
Light Design: Jade Menzies
Directors: Lindsay Heck, Scott Hopkins
Assistant Director: Shelby Terwilliger