District Safety Forum
While our thoughts logically turn to school safety immediately after tragic events, our planning and preparation for the safety or our students and staff goes on long after headlines change. On Tuesday, January 17, from 6:30-7:30, we will be having a DCS School Safety Forum in the Jr/Sr HS auditorium. At this event, I will be discussing some of strategies the district is using to help maintain safety in school buildings and a panel of safety and mental health personnel will take questions from those in attendance.
Centennial Capital Project
Our next Capital Project passed 184-115. Thank you to those of you who voted. I will keep you updated on this project as it progresses.
Help Wanted!
Though we have received some great interest in some of the openings we have in the district, we are still in need of secondary aides or teaching assistants and substitute teachers. If you are interested in these positions, please complete this simple online application.
Mark Your Calendars
Please note that 1/27/23 is a PK-12 half day. Also, the Friday before Memorial Day, May 26, will be a PK-12 holiday if we have not used more than two emergency school closure days.
Music Concerts
I am sure that those of you who were in attendance will agree that our recent winter music concerts were outstanding. If you happened to miss them, you can check them out on our YouTube Channel.
Jr/Sr High School
Elementary School
Artist of the Month: Abigail Nelson
Senior Abigail Nelson recently painted a tribute painting to her uncle who passed away when she was younger. He, too, was a painter. They both were influenced by the Adirondack mountains and their love for the outdoors.